High quality, crafted precision, product freshness, careful selection of the finest raw materials, respect and care for our consumers. These are the Ferrero “key values” which have endeared our products to millions of consumers all over the world. Ferrero products are the result of unique and innovative ideas that become part of everyday traditions and, in most countries, are considered true icons. Ferrero also means caring about food safety, the environment, social issues within the local country where it operates and commitment to its own human resources throughout the world. Today, many Ferrero products are “global”, making Ferrero the fourth largest confectionary company in the world. Ferrero’s distinguished characteristic is its “glocal” approach (think globally, act locally); that is a Company vision focusing on international development yet adapting to local traditions and needs and giving back to the local community. Ferrero is also very committed to consumers and their needs. Over the years, Ferrero has built a mutual relationship based on trust, experience, “feeling” and insight; an enduring loyalty that joints Ferrero with all its consumers worldwide. It is this relationship with consumers that has been the core of our success.